Friday, December 17, 2010

UICT Hostels

UICT Hostels

It is indeed a matter of pride and privilege for me to introduce to you all the hostel facilities on our campus. The University of Mumbai built its first hostel in its Matunga premises in 1952 and it was called the University and Birla Hostel. Prof.M.V. Joshi, Head of General Engineering Division was the first Warden, who remained as the Warden until 1983. The second hostel called the New Hostel and Staff Quarters was built in 1966 in order to cater to increased capacity of students and staff quarters were also part of it. The University Hostel was called the Old Hostel and it had been used exclusively by the UDCT students.

With advent of time, the B.Sc.(Tech.) course was converted to three year post-B.Sc. Course. Besides, M.Sc.(Tech.) and M.Chem.Engg. Courses of 2 year duration were alongwith Ph.D.(Tech.) The hostel capacity was totally inadequate and only those students admitted on all India basis and out of Mumbai jurisdiction upto Kalyan, were preferred. This need was partly satisfied by the building of the Joint Hostel for the students of UDCT and J.J.College of Architecture in 1988. The ladies hostel was then added during 1995 in view of the increased presence of lady students. All these hostels were built though the plan grants from the UGC. Hostel No.5 came through the efforts of Professor J.B.Joshi, the current Director, with majority of funding coming from private donations in 2004. Meanwhile, the University of Mumbai, which used to support the hostels relinquished its authority to the UICT from 2005 after the granting of autonomy in June 2004.

Our hostels are catering to the needs of almost 750 students including 130 lady students. We have undertaken massive infrastructural and administrative reforms which are distinct. It is our endeavour to make the hostels as the second home for all hostelites. So a few photographs are included in this souvenir to show you ambiance.

Now, these hostels are called Hostel No.1,2,3 , (4 temporarily not available) and 5. Several changes have been introduced on the campus through private donations. I believe that it is the duty of the students representative to take stock of it and am sure that they will present their reports during the Annual Day.

Wishing you all a very joyous Hostel Day.

Professor G.D. Yadav

Head Warden & Warden,
Hostel No.5

Old Hostel

In ICT campus there are five hostels. Out of which oldest one is Hostel no.1 also called as old hostel. Many of our teacher staff and renowned alumni had resided here during their degree course.

Our hostel has three floors. Warden�s residence is on third floor whereas all other floors are occupied by students.Each floor has 32 rooms out of which 16 are single equal no. of double rooms. Ground floor has main office and a store room. Whereas on first and second floor has total 4 recreational rooms,which comprises of reading room, table-tennis room, T.V. room and pool room.

Table tennis room is on first floor. This room has produced many good t.t. players in our hostel. This room is favorite place for those who want to play seriously & rigorously. By the way it is the best t.t. room for practice in ICT campus.

Pool room on other hand is for pure fun & sheer joy. Old hostilities spend their leisure time rather luxuriantly. As far as the pool table is concerned, it is the only pool table in ICT hostel campus. It also has a carom board to which some people are devoted & spend quality time there. So this pool room also famous with localied students is always crowded.

First floor has reading room. This room is relatively silent with silent people interested in reading newspaper. This room receives 8 papers and 7 magazines. This room has magnificent collection of books encompassing many subjects such as history of different times, complete works of George Bernard Shaw, shakespere, Leo Tolstoy. This collection is pride of our hostel.

One of the most crowded rooms in old hostel is T.V. room. During cricket time T.V. room is fully filled. Amongst the delirious comments passed and full screen display given by projector, is the best way to watch the match. Every Saturday, Sunday a movie is shown on the projector screen. T.V. in room is also purchased fund gathered by 2002-03 batch. Lately renovations work is been done in T.V. room, tiling it with white marble. Giving it a sparklingly glorious look.

With honest efforts from our G.S. and sports secretary, badminton court has been prepared backside hostel, which is instant hit among hostilities & promises to prepare many fantastic players in hostel.

This has been about infrastructure and rooms of hostel. But hostel is not just residence for us but home with all hostilities as joint family. Unity in our hostel is remarkable and one in trouble is never left alone to deal with it. I think this is the fact that makes us truly a OLD HOETELITE.

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