Moms who deliver their babies in a birthing pool experience less labor pain and greater relaxation. Water birthing moms are more relaxed and comfortable as compare to the other mothers. Water immersion speed up the dilation of the cervix, leading to a shorter labor. Underwater, the baby is protected from harsh lights, sounds and even touch and thus is more relaxed, comfortable. Here are some of the potential benefits of water birth:-
- Provides a kind, gentle and loving entrance into this world for the baby
- The women achieve much comfort in the water
- Reduces fear and anxiety
- The body relaxes
- Provides significant pain relief
- Labor becomes easier
- Speeds up the labor
- The woman can focus better inwardly on giving birth
- Water imparts elasticity to the tissues of the perenium which reduces tearing
- Eliminates episiotomies
- No need for ‘pain-reducing’ drugs
- Reduces the rate of cesarean sections
More Benefits -
- Reduces blood pressure
- Gives mother more feelings of control
- Conserves her energy
- Is highly rated by mothers – women who have given birth in water would do it again
- A gentler welcome for babies
- Bacteria is dissipated in water reducing infection to mother and baby
- Cleaning up is easier
- Moist air assist better breathing for mother specifically if asthmatic
- Conservation of maternal energy
- Less problems with breastfeeding after birth
- Less trauma to mother means less trauma to baby
Water Birth Safety Tips
- Keep the baby out of the water within the first 10 seconds after birth.
- Water birth should be treated in the guidance of expert health care professional.
- Water temperature should not be than 97 degree Fahrenheit.
- Mothers who have maternal infections or excessive bleeding should avoid water birth.