A dazzling high-tech cancer test finds lung tumors as small as a grain of rice. At that early stage, 8 out of 10 can be treated.
This breakthrough is MUST-KNOW INFORMATION. But chances are, your doctor hasn't gotten the word yet. And it may take years before he does—unless you show him page 540. By some estimates it takes 17 years for new breakthroughs to make it from labs and universities to regular doctors. You could die waiting! In fact... people do.
There's more, much more: You can make yourself 19 times as likely to survive ovarian cancer if you know a secret revealed on page 137. This is a fact. Up to 95 percent of women with ovarian cancer who don't know this secret will lose their lives. Meanwhile, almost everyone who's in the know will SURVIVE.
You see, the big secret to beating cancer is early detection, and there are now more and better detection tools than ever before. But this exciting field moves so fast, many doctors aren't aware of the best state-of-the-art tests.
Your doctor is likely to miss your tumor if he doesn't know the tests revealed on page 540. And I can just about guarantee you he doesn't. Don't leave it to chance.
You'll discover page after page of new cancer breakthroughs in The World's Greatest Treasury of Health Secrets...
- 9 out of 10 people can now beat colon cancer, according to a professor at a top medical school. Colon cancer is just about 100% preventable. But you need to know the secret on page 33. Then you'll be able to sail right past a problem that used to mean certain death.
- And more than 9 out of 10 men can now survive prostate cancer. In fact, 94% of men with this disease can survive if they undergo the treatment on page 206.
- Death by skin cancer? No way! Melanoma, the deadly form of skin cancer, has a cure rate of nearly 100%—IF you know the secrets on page 497 and take advantage of them. In fact, you'll find...