Sunday, February 27, 2011

Breastfeeding Benefits For Mom And Baby

“Breast milk is nature’s perfect food for baby and also helps child in growing and developing during first year of life.” Breast feeding is beneficial for both baby and for mother:-

Benefits for baby:-

  • Breast milk is easily digest able.
  • Breast fed babies are healthier than babies who are bottle fed.
  • Breast fed babies are more intelligent. They tend to have less gas and colic pain.
  • Breast milk fulfills all the nutritional need for the first six months.
  • Breast feeding strength babies facial muscles and helps to align baby’s teeth better.

Benefits for Mother:-

  • Breast feeding stimulates oxytocin the hormone that cause uterus to contract and return to normal size.
  • Helps in reducing weight faster without restricting calories.
  • Menstrual period take longer to return.
  • Reduces the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis.

Advantages of Breast feeding:-

  • Breastfeeding is less expensive than feeding an infant milk substitute.
  • It is time saving
  • Breast feed baby diaper doesn’t smell bad.
  • It is very hygienic
  • It is always available and needs no utensils or water (which might carry germs).

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