Sunday, February 27, 2011

Healthy Eating Diet Plan

A healthy diet is one which contains different types of foods in such quantities and proportions so that the needs for calories, proteins minerals, vitamins and other nutrients is adequately met and a small provision is made for extra nutrients to withstand short duration weakness. The requirements of our body in terms of nutrients and energy for the various group is known and on the basis of this our daily diet is planned. The daily requirement of individual items depends upon growth status (age, sex, height and weight), physical activity and physical stress or illness.

SAMPLE MENU for a Healthy, Normal Weight and Moderate Worker person

7:00 A.M.

1 cup water + ½ lemon or 1 cup plain tea + ½ lemon (lemon tea)

Break Fast

  • Milk = 1 cup (pure milk)
  • Toast = 2 or Missi Roti = 1 (20 g. atta+10 gm. Gram flour)+ Butter = 1 tsp. Pratha = 1 or Dalia = 1 cup
  • Egg = 1 or Paneer = 25 gm. (1 piece) or Curd = 125 gms (1/2 katori)

This provides 420 Kcals approx. 13 gm. Protein.


  • Chapatti = 3-4 (90-120 gms.) or Rice =2-3 Katories (80g.)
  • Chicken Curry = 1 katorie (200 gms) or Paneer curry = (50) gms.
  • Alu + Green Vege = 1 katori (250 gm)
  • Curd = ½ katori (125 gm)
  • Cooking fat = 4-5 tsp.
  • Fruits and Salad- One serving at midmorning and 3 serving per day and Salad along with regular meals.

This provides 1000 Kcals 35 g. protein.

Evening Tea

  • Tea = 1 Cup
  • Sandwich = 1 or Biscuits = 2

This provides 150 Kcals 3 g. protein.


  • Chapatti/Rice = as in lunch.
  • Dall = 1 katori ( 35 gm.) or Curd = 1 katori (150 gm.)
  • Green – & Lafy vegetable = 1 katori (250 g.)
  • Cooking oil = 4-5 tsp.

This provides 900 Kcals 25 g. protein.

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