Monday, February 28, 2011

Benefits of Raw Fruit and Vegetables

Fruit and VegetablesIf you dream of good health with plenty of food then you must include raw vegetable or fruit in your diet. Experts believe that raw fruits and vegetables help in digesting food for the body and also provide essential nutrients. According to experts, raw vegetables and fruits are best for the good health.

According to Dietitian Dr. Amita Singh raw fruits and vegetables helps in digesting food. Raw fruits and vegetables are rich in fibers as they help in clearing the digestive system. For example, if you are going to eat pizza, eat salad before eating pizza. If you are going to eat ice cream, eat an apple prior to it. This process also helps in digesting heavy foods.

Dr. Ankur Joshi said “We must add a raw fruit or a raw vegetable with every meal this help in good health. Raw vegetables and fruits contain high amounts of digestive enzymes, which are helpful to digest the remaining food. ”

“Raw fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals. Several of vitamins tablets are available in market but raw fruit is the best resource of vitamins.” Physician Dr Kalpana Jain said “For ladies to overcome from the health problems one should include raw vegetables in their diet.”

Many researches have proved that women should include a raw vegetable in their diet. Raw vegetables contain anti-oxidant, which reduces the risk of blood pressure problems.

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