The list of 5 foods you should include in your diet. These have antioxidants which are good for the system and to a certain extent delay the process of ageing
- Tomatoes
- This vegetable has a high amount of antioxidants that protect against coronary heart disease and cancer of the stomach, mouth, colon, etc. It has vitamin A and E which are good for the eyes and skin.
- Berries
- Strawberries, black currants, black grapes, blue berries, jamun, etc. are all rich in phytochemicals known as flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants known to protect against damage caused by free radicals and also from cancer, Jamun has vitamins A and C and is known to control diabetes digestive ailments, etc.
- Soya Beans
- Soya has isoflavonoes (a substance like the hormone oestrogen) and phytic acid that helps prevent ageing caused by hormone imbalance. It is a good source of calcium, which helps prevent osteoporosis. It is known to protect against breast, colon and prostate cancer. It also protects against Heart diseases.
- Curd and Honey
- Dahi or curd is a great immunity booster and coolant. It is good for digestive system and aids in digestion. Honey gives instant energy and is even good for infants. Honey reduces anxiety and stress, also prevents memory loss.
- Melons
- Eating melons like watermelon and musk melon is very good for the skin and body. Watermelon has vitamins A, B and C which rejuvenates the body. The seeds contain selenium, zinc and vitamin E, all of which help against free radical damage and ageing.
Ultimately, the mantra of looking and feeling young is eating healthy and having a disease- free body. The ageing process cannot be stopped but can be delayed.
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