Friday, February 25, 2011

Get Rid of Itching - Home Remedies

Most common causes of itching include dry skin, sunburn, insect bite, exposure or contact with chemicals. Itching can be the result of an allergic reaction to certain foods, plants or pets. Also cold weather, overexposure to water and hot baths typically cause itching. Here are few itching home remedies and natural cures.

  • Lemon is a natural antiseptic which can soothe itchy skin. Squeeze fresh lemon juice onto hot spot and allow it to dry.
  • Use mint, thyme and basil in a bath to avoid itching.
  • Boil water with mint leaves in it. Dip washcloth in it and use it gently all over the body to ease itchy skin.
  • Use moisturizing cream often. For sensitive skin, try apricot kernel oil as it is light and gets quickly absorbed into the skin.
  • Apply a bit of toothpaste on the bug bite to draw out the itch.
  • Use talc which contains zinc to cure itching as it is anti-bacterial.
  • Take bath with lukewarm water. Apply lotion containing Vitamin E.
  • Aloe Vera heals and provides cooling effect to infected skin areas.
  • As much as possible, cotton clothes should be worn.
  • Apply curd all over body after bathing. Keep for some time and then wash off.
  • Mix cinnamon powder with honey and apply on the affected areas. Keep it for 15 minutes then wash off with fresh water.
  • Soak lots of neem leaves in water, bath with this water. It helps to get rid of all possible bacteria and also in healing of skin.
  • Avoid scratching or rubbing itchy areas as this worsens the problem.

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