Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Healthy Nuts

Rub your teeth with strawberries daily which can effectively remove all the stains. Brush your teeth after every heavy meals.

Drink 1-2 glasses of water early morning to keep you healthy and free from acidity.

Apply pulp of ripe banana on the cracked area of the heel. This pulp is kept for about 10 minutes and then it is cleaned.

Taking a short nap can be of great help especially if your cause of headache is stress. A fine paste of cinnamon should be prepared by mixing it with water and it should be applied over the temples and forehead to obtain relief.

Exercising will tone up your calves and strengthen your ankles, making your legs look very attractive and of course increasing your stamina.

Talk to your health care provider about how much weight you should gain during your pregnancy and also before taking any supplements.

Bananas are high in fiber, making them an ideal remedy for constipation. Bananas also act as a natural antacid. This gives relief to a person who is suffering from heartburn.

Pain in the upper shoulder and back might cause difficulty with exercise or working at jobs that require physical labor, such as heavy lifting.

If your shoulder is often sore after work or doing your favorite hobby, try to think of ways to give your shoulder a breather from any repetitive motions that may be causing the problem.

Give your child mixture of ½ teaspoon honey to 1½ cup warm water 2-3 times a day. This will help in curing constipation.

Eating one portion of dry fruits is equal to eating almost seven to eight times that of fresh fruit. Since the fruits are dried, the water is extracted, and only the basic nutritional contents remain, undiluted.

Rub your palms together and gently cup them over your closed eyes for around a minute. This is known as palming and is very beneficial for the eyes.

Almond helps in growing your child brain. Massage your child head and body with almond oil it will give your child a sharp brain and a healthy skin.

If acne on your skin is bothering you then apply sour curd paste on your face and let it dry and then wash the face. In a few days you will see the unexpected benefits.

Make paste of honey and ginger and apply this paste on face every morning before brushing teeth. This will prevent wrinkles to a greater extent.

Applying curd on face helps to get soft and smooth skin. It also acts a good moisturizer and good for dry skin.

Massage is very useful as it increases blood circulation and result in tightening of skin. Use olive oil to massage your skin daily. Remember to massage in anticlockwise.

Taking black tea every day not only reduces plaque build-up but also helps in controlling bacteria.

Aloe Vera juice is made from the nutritious inner gel. It has natural detoxifying powers that ease constipation and cleanse the bowel.

Applying curd on face helps to get soft and smooth skin. It also acts a good moisturizer and good for dry skin.

For those who are suffering from arthritis and back pain problem, there can be no better workout choice than swimming.

Aloe Vera juice is made from the nutritious inner gel. It has natural detoxifying powers that ease constipation and cleanse the bowel.

Overweight people have an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease. Keep yourself active even in the comfort of your own home.

You must assess your emotional health regularly. Try to take a break from your concern and worries and feel free.

A hot hair oil treatment is good for oily hair. Warm up any vegetable oil and gently massage into your scalp. For added benefits add a few drops of rosemary oil and lavender oil.

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